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Friday, February 19, 2010

BEN10 dAh jUmpa...

Salam Semua...

Ngantuk nyer mata hari ini... macam CPO gak dari pagi sampai petang takde movement langsung, mungkin ramai lagi hirup udara segar cuti-cuti panjang nie. Closing pre-matching not interested to monitor closely at 6:00pm, prices movement between 10 pts up and down peh... that's why i go away from you :). Cpo May10 contract closed at 2596, High 2609, Low 2577 & Open 2595, tengok tu memang dah jadi candle "dOji" wei kene nengok on Monday camna pula. Somehow somewhere whatever some... Crude oil (CL) traded at usd78.02down (-1.04) & bean oil p.a traded at 38.40 down (-0.30) mesia time 8:11pm, fcpo May10 still Bubble with NO direction. My strong support level at 2550 and resistance 2628, choose the one. So, all buah2 sawitku still Sitting here (2600) all alone in the middle of nowhere & Don't know which way to go :), apa2 pun APA YANG PENTING KERJASAMA...

Dah jumpa BEN10 wei, aduih BEN10 menyorok dalam pocket Beg Ben10 (apa nie BEN10 & BEN10 pun tak jumpa ke...). Anak ku cakap BEN10 dah jumpa wei tadi masa dalam kelas gitu. Cicak Man kalau vs ngan BEN10 mana yang Menang wei???or Upin & Ipin yang lawan BEN10 :). Esok bawa familiku syurgaku nengok movie AVATAR 3D yang dah nak abis tayang pun. Next week banyak program macam2 ada, kebanyakkan nye kEnduri la wei, memang orang kite nie suka buat mende2 camni so AKU followww jer... tak pergi kan ada la masam muka cam kicap goren g tu :). Hari ni Panas takde setitik pun Hujan dari langit yang indah seantaro nye memang panas tapi kepalaku tak panas dengan fCPO hari ini sebab buah2 sawit pun tido. Okies for all CPO traders mau ingat ini SATU LAGI;"SITTING ON THE SIDELINES WHILE WAITING FOR A TREND TO DEVELOP"... adakah 2 minggu lagi dapur ku berasap lagi, renung2 kan lah & kat bawah tu chart May10 cpo, wassalam.


  1. indecisive move tu (doji).. next week mesti menarik untuk ditonton..

    Don.. aku terasa nak tengok gak avatar 3D, tapi tak berkesempatan..katanya best banget..

  2. Salam tuan MD, based on my experience; nak dikire movement on Monday ini camnie la MD, Doji nie yg build up on friday kiranya price fcpo nie in the middle of nowhere, if it's break 2609 will move and can touch 2628 and goes on & 2nd thing if price fcpo open below 2577 will move to 2550 (1st strong support level). A good Doji (+) when 80% to 100% where is indicate the mkt was exhausted, where the Doji (+) should be at TOP or BOTTOM above or below the previous candle.

    on last nite' friday (19.02.'10) crude oil closed at 79.81 up (+0.75) because of Iran & French's Total strikes & Bean Oil (B.O) 38.52 (-0.15) <-- in view of mind not too much effect on fCPO price on this coming Monday. Of course have to look on Asian Trading this monday (Crude Oil, Bean Oil etc dailan exchange)...still have position on May10 contract 58lots hold short and see what can do on Monday if mkt doing reversal ...ve to use Plan "B" :) ...apa2 pun Happi trading to you.

    Yaa.. malam nie nengok Avatar kul 9:30pm. Try to familiar your fcpo intraday trade, until you can look a big picture of fcpo......... Wassalam.

  3. salam tuan. saya hold long position. doji ni buat saya risau. kalau drop monday ni, kena keluar, cut loss. apa plan tuan?

  4. salam, sapa disana tu... bole bagi info brapa lot u masuk & tuan nyer equity now?so from there i can doin' my analyst for you tuan..wassalam..tq

  5. salam and satu lagi kat mana u hold long tu, so i ada picture ur trading dan i bole advise... kat u ...

  6. salam tuan.
    saya ni masih baru dlm future. dlm 2-3 bulan.untung ada, rugi pun ada. sekarang ni holding long 1 lot at 2610 n 1 lot at 2585.plan A:ambil profit bila nampak 15min chart dah ada tanda2 nak dead cross..Plan B keluar jika monday ni market bwh 2580.
    saya selalu pening dgn cpo ni.kdg2 buka rendah, then slowly naik.so kalau saya cut loss awal2, lepas tu price naik balik. kalau biarkan, price tak naik dan loss mountain.saya guna osk chart.selalunya saya guna MA indicator 7 n 26 days.
    sekarang ni tgh cari kawan sesama trader sebab saya ni lone ranger, seorang2 dlm market. stressnya tak ada kawan....:))
    ni e-mail saya:mory181@yahoo.com

  7. salam tuan..., bila u main placed position LONG or SHORT,1st thing you shud think big picture of fcpo nie, u tak boleh nengok chart 15m/30m or 5m bila u play for HOLD OVERNIGHT POSITION. Please familiar with Intraday Trading before you jump to play Overnight. At the moment you ve 2 lots average priced at 2598.

    My action if market against me with 2 lots in hand priced 2598;(3 scenarios)

    1) Friday mkt closed at 2596 (now losses -2pts), if open -10pts, mkt goes 2586. Here, I will place Cut Loss at price 2576 and if done close the position. So, I will give back to market rm1,000.00 (losses -20pts)<--- bergantung trader u berapa point yang sanggup terima cth. 5/10/15 or 20pts.

    2) Market open below 2598 around -10pts, let its trading about 30mins, then if market rebound above 2600 and do not touch 2609 or break 2609, will take a profit put sell market at 2600. Here, profit 2pts breakeven. If mkt goes up after take a profit. let it fly 'cause not my game anymore.

    3) Sell another fcpo Mths contract, this call doin' locking. But, have doing this the risk will be double if i wrong open which One (1). Objective doin' locking just for breakeven.

    My 2 cents. Wassalam.

  8. salam. morning.
    thank you very very much for the ideas. appreciated so much. at least i hv some ideas for this monday.

    so, let say, market drop monday nanti, is it mean that reversal bearish happenned?sebab salalunya doji tu bawa petanda. n bila price drop bwh 2586 menuju level 2550, tu memang dah bearish atau hanya correction?macamana nak make sure market reverse dan time utk kita short beside tgk indicator MA?what else indicator yg perlu saya guna utk study TA?

    so...dah lama tuan involved dlm fcpo ni? sincerely, is it advisable for me to trade more than 5lots at this beginner stage?


  9. salam.
    utk overnight positions, saya tgk 15,30,60 n daily utk tengok trend n support/resistance level. 1 n 5min utk tgk point nak masuk/keluar.(correct me if i am wrong,pls)

    then, saya tgk candle pattern at daily chart at every night at the trading day to identify t
    he market situation.kalau still strong in a position yg saya ada, at least esok not to be too worried..or else, saya monitor esoknya utk close position.

    saya full time trader.this is my only income. so, have to keep on study utk untung or minimise the loss.tq for writing this blog.boleh saya jadikan tuan mentor saya?pls....


  10. Salam tuan... ok dah tu if u look at daily for ur Resistance & Support, because u trade on position. Please use as simple as technical while trade derivative mkt (15m, 30m --> for intraday & 60m, daily --> for position trade. For me 1 & 5 mins not a guide to make a decision to entry, buy or sell (look at candle pattern eg: doji, shooting star, bearish or bullish engulfed and etc.). Me, yup Fulltime trader since 10 yrs back :). Paling penting TRUST UR OWN TECHNICAL ANALYST n when u read an article about technical on fcpo take it as a guide but remember they are JOURNALIST not a DERIVATIVE TRADER like U...

  11. salam.

    tqvm. what about other indicators? kena guna yg lain beside MA?

    10 years...u must be really experienced. boleh minta sikit ilmu fcpo?


  12. Just wait for don nya training :-)


  13. Salam ... just play around with your indicators & ur MENTAL shud be strong between different traders have a diff management risk. Frankly, i only see trend & japanese candlestick...:) my 2 cents.

  14. Tuan Don... saya pernah ditarbiah oleh seseorang, takyah tengok banyak indicator..3 dah cukup.. lagi banyak lagi pening kepala..

    sila tunjuk ajar rakyat (trader) marhain macam saya untuk paham candlestick & trend..

    p/s: aku antara org yang guna chart 1m untuk enter/keluar market intraday..huhuhu...tengah dok test lagi TA terbaik untuk dipakai ikut risk yang berani diambil. TQ bro.

  15. Ya tuan MD. lagi byk kena tgok lagi pening, last2 tak dpt nak masuk. Tuan Don boleh buat kelas? skrang ni baru 4 org. ada lagi yang lain?


  16. salam.
    wah....kalau buat kelas, saya nak join.peluang belajar mesti direbut. buatlah.....plssssss......


  17. salam.

    hari ni saya dlm dilemma,nak close ke tak nak my 2 lots position.finally, i choose to keep for another night.intraday hari ni pun untung 9points aje.oklah...rezeki...syukur.
    then, at rumah satu lagi pun long 3lots at 2625.fbr asyik tanya tak nak long ke...
    (saya ada 2 acc)

    closing tak best sangat.rasanya, another doji dlm chart daily.rasa mcm susah sangat nak break level 2630.berapa kali try hari ni,tapi tak berjaya.rasa macam nak pergi tolak je price naik...haha

    please, apa pandangan tuan ttg hari ni dan esok. saya pun dah jadi doji nie...


  18. salam tuan mm...alamak sori la tak terbaca yang nie, watever mkt dah closed for today. Good Luck
